A documentary by Tatiana Rojas Ponce

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Countless migrants make the treacherous journey from South and Central America to reach the U.S. – and many document it on social media. While Venezuelan filmmaker Tatiana Rojas Ponce struggles to find meaningful ways to help those arriving in New York from her home country, she meets Paola and Emily, who share stories, videos, and reflections about their harrowing passage through the Darien jungle en route to the United States.

#Darien, a documentary by Tatiana Rojas Ponce


The editing combines original footage shot in New York City with images that went viral on social media between 2021 and 2023, posted by migrants documenting their own journey through the jungle and their arrival in the U.S. It is narrated in the first person and runs for thirty-six minutes.

The project is in its final stage. The editing has been completed, and we are currently raising funds to fine-tune sound and color details, as well as to design and execute a distribution strategy and an impact campaign.

In the meantime, we have started a series of community screenings and discussion panels with the aim of raising awareness and advancing the debate on the latest wave of Venezuelan migrants heading to the U.S., and the urgent issues this phenomenon raises for Venezuela as well as for the transit and host countries of those making the difficult decision to cross the continent by land in search of a better life.

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